Thursday, June 25, 2009

Only 1 King of Pop

It must be big if I'm back to write another blog in the same day.

As I take a deep breath... damn!!! The King of Pop goes down way too quickly and way too soon. As a young buck in the early 80's I use to throw on the soccer socks and start dancing on the kitchen floor to whatever Michael Jackson songs I could get my hands on.

Even now, whenever I need some pick me up music to listen to, I either set the Ipod to the Jackson 5 Greatest Hits album or to the Michael Jackson Greatest Hits folder.

Move over Elvis, MJ is going to live on for many generations to come.

RIP MJ. RIP Farrah Faucett. RIP Ed McMahon.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Transformer Transmission

First and foremost, this blog is going to have some spoilers in it so if you haven't see Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen then stop reading and GO SEE IT!!!!

With that said... holy crap!! What a movie! Is it great like Dark Knight or Slumdog Millionaire? Nope not even close. Is it a great movie for Transformers fans? YES!! If you liked the 1st version from Michael Bay, I'm sure you're going to love this one too.

I went do the midnight showing hoping I wasn't going to make a fool of myself to my friends by falling asleep midway through the movie. Not only did I not fall asleep during the movie, I was so amped up after the movie was over that it took me into early morning before my eyes finally shut and stayed shut.

The regular cast from the 1st movie is back for this version and thank goodness because Megan Fox is so damn... well you know. And I'm secure enough in my manhood to say I'm starting to grow a mancrush on Shia LaBeouf. He's showing Hollywood that he can hang as a lead in the right films.

This version of Transformers played up on what made the last one good as they give Sam and his parents more zainy type moments at the house and during the 1st few hours of college.

Last go round people complained about the lack of Autobots and Decepticons but not this time. There are new Autobots to fight with Optimus Prime and there are more Decepticons to help Megatron destroy the world. I almost jumped out of my seat when I saw Soundwave up in space hacking into the military satillite to evesdrop on what's going down here on Earth. Using the original voice that I grew up listening to make me mark out big time.

If you watched the trailers over the past year you knew Devasator was going to show up. It takes awhile but as you watch the life sized Tonka toys started to transform and lock together to form that massive beast the heart starts to beat even faster.

I've heard the rumblings starting to pop up since the movie's permire the other night and I don't agree with it. The 1st one I've heard is that it's too long and there's just way too much stuff jammed into the movie. Now I won't completely disagree with those negative reviews because there are some moments and characters that just don't make sense or help the overall story arc but I like to look at a movie as a whole and the good easily outweighs the bad in this situation.

The 2nd negativity coming from the movie this this crap about racist Autobots. I just don't agree with something being labeled as racist just because a character plays up a certain stereotype. Black/White, christian/Jewish whatever. The movie isn't making fun of any certain group, they're just playing up certain groups. They're called stereotypes for a reason. The play up Sam's parents as being middle class, yuppie, fun loving parents. They play up John Turturro's character as a now Jewish deli worker. So why are people getting upset about the 2 hip-hop speaking Autobots? Makes no damn sense.

Compared to the other summer blockbusters it easily destroys Wolverine and Terminator and I say it's slightly better than Star Trek only because I'm biased towards the world of Transformers and not a big Trekkie.

I'm going to give Transformers a rating of:

4 1/2 out of 5 Fu-King stars and Megan Fox 10 out of 5 Fu-King stars along with my phone number. I'll pay for dinner.

Be good and get out of the heat by dropping us some comments and let us know what you think about the movie. And don't forget to check out our t-shirt designs.
Fu-King Clothing

Monday, June 22, 2009

Feel the breeze with smeez

Why is it after an eventful weekend Mondays are boring? Don't get me wrong, having the day off to chill and being able to sleep in was great but now I'm sitting here and I'm bored.

Since I'm reminiscing anyway in my head, might as well blog it out. The week that was and the week it's already beginning to be:

I checked out the TUF finale Saturday night. A few solid MMA fights but the main event of Diego Sanchez vs Clay Guida was insane to say the least. You know it's a good one when the loser of the fight... Clay... probably came out just as good as the winner, Sanchez did. Dana will keep booking him in fights and telling him to put on a show. Now I'm a huge fan of "The Nightmare" since his days on TUF 1 so I was already hyped up going into the fight but 3 rounds... 15 minutes... watching the whole fight twice... later, all I've got to say is, damn that was good!! From the opening bell they came out throwing and bleeding.

It was also cool to see the 1st commercial for the new TUF season with Rampage, Evans and yes, Kimbo Slice. I'm thinking they'll make sure he doesn't have to fight until the last fight of the 1st round of matches just to milk his presence for all it's worth in case he loses and has to leave the house early on. It'll still be cool to see... while iit lasts. I do have a problem with Spike proclaiming to be showing the Joe Rogan stand up special un-cut. Sure it was the whole thing but you lose a lot when every other word is bleeped out. Just do what Comedy Central does and air it later.

US Open pretty much got rained out. Don't care. There's my blog feelings on that.

I channeled my inner Brazilian on Sunday and watched the Brazil/Italy match and the US/Egypt match. I can't wait to for the World Cup next summer. Just hope the US plays like they did yesterday and not as they did against Italy and Brazil.

Today I read that Perez Hilton got assaulted by good. If you're going to build a "career" around other people's fame you're going to piss some of them off. Freedom of Speech please meet Freedom of Fist in Your Mouth or whatever happen. I say, if you can't take it, don't dish it.

As we get closer to the 4th of July weekend here's my list of good things:
falling face first into a pool
air conditioning

List of bad things:
not doing or adding your own stuff to the list of good things

Alright I'm out. Gotta save up for Transformers 2 later this week!!! Be good and I'll talk to you later. Peace


don't forget to stop by the sites: Smart and EZ & Fu-King Clothing

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Ok, so here I am a self proclaimed Terminator Junkie... When Arnold had to kill himself in the 1st... It hit me right where the beat in my chest comes from. When they had to freeze T-1000 I was jumping through my skin cause I realized there was a weekness to (at the time) the most bad-ass killin machine ever thought about. T3... uhhh Arnold was getting kinda old, but the special affects were pretty cool, and it had a chick kickin ridiculous amounts of rump, so ok it passes.

Now, here I am... I've got my popcorn, I've seen a couple off the chain previews. Christain Bale's in this one, Common's in it. It has to be the best one ever... Right??... Wrong. I'm sorry to say it but Christian Bale didn't bring to the terminator what it needed, an Aronld replacing Bad Ass as a hero. There was the cool new guy that was half human, mostly robot, and then there was Christian Bale who is the "savior" but there wasn't anyone or anything that lived up to what happened between T1 and T2. Sorry there just wasn't... plus there wasn't near enough violence in this one... I think something like 4 people died... Now I'm not the one for Gore Fest 09 necessarily but why wasn't this movie at least rated R. The problem here is that there were no personal deaths... the people that died were excaping in car or van so the whole van got blown up... there was non of that I'm gonna kill you just cause you happened to be on this chopper and I need it, or cause you happened to be the wrong cop at the wrong time, or not even the I like your leather and glasses give'm to me deaths... I think that's what makes this one a step below.. now like I said I'm not all about the killing, but somethings are just necessary... here we are with Machines (Skynet) that are trying to ERADICATE humanity without prejudice, and nobody really gets killed... Kinda makes it hard to swallow. Correction at the beginning a few folks die, but you don't really see how.. it just happens so then it's harder to feel anyway about it emotionally.

Despite all my ripping about death I still give it a solid B. Not great, but worth seeing in a theater. Looking forward Transformers.. it didn't let me down the first time, I'm pretty sure It'll do what it needs to this time.


And don't forget to check out the site:

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Non Trekkie Review

So by no means am I a Star Trek follower. And I can hear you asking, "Well why review the movie then, Smeez?"

It's quite simple... the trailer looked pretty badass... plus my cousin was bored and can't go out drinking yet.

As I mentioned my Star Trek knowledge is pretty weak even though I use to watch reruns of the original TV show with my uncle when I was like 4. But in the movie version, I pretty much understood every 3rd word and every 3rd character. I was able to stay with the movie because of the actions scenes. Ass kicking and laser shooting space guns can be easily understood by any generation and any intellect.

So anyway, I'm sure you know the main storylines... it pretty much follows a young, rebellious James Kirk grow and eventually become the Captain Kirk we know and love. Along with his rise to coolness, the movie also follows... big word alert... the maturation of Spock as he grows into his pointy ears and know-it-all-brain. The other supporting Enterprise members have their own growth arcs too, which is pretty cool. I thought there was going to be major cheese-ballian moments as everyone used their familiar catch phrases but it's still cool to hear, "Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor..." or "I'm giving her all she's got!" (Scotty being played by the guy from Shawn of the Dead was awesome)

Star Trek really lives up to it's summer blockbuster billing... cough... Wolverine doesn't... cough... with a lot of action pack scenes from the beginning of the movie to the end. I didn't have a hard time following the Austin Power's like blackhole moment of the movie as it adds a wrinkle into the rest of the movie. The whole I'm him but not really him but really am him moment had my brain hurting.

Anyway I'm tired of typing as I'm sure your tired of reading, so my conclusion on Star Trek is that it's a kick ass movie that the guys will love. And with a lot of airtime for Spock, I'm sure the ladies will love it too.

I give it:

4 1/2 Fu-King Stars the rating is mainly for the awesome casting. As I already mentioned the dude from Shawn of the Dead is in. Harold stopped searching for White Castles and his hot neighbor to travel to space. The evil bastard from Heroes and Tyler Perry... yes that Tyler Perry.

I was going to put some well known Star Trek quote here but I don't know of any so if you do just start reciting it to yourself, better go vocal if there are other people around because I know it was pretty funny when my friend started reciting the opening quote during a road trip.

Be good,

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Beats crossing the Pond

Some could say that America has produced the greatest musicians of all time from Jimi Hendrix to Eric Clapton and B.B. King. I would sometimes agree but feel that our contemporaries from across the big pond would have something to say about it.

One genre that is gaining a lot of popularity currently is ambient music. It has many different branches in rock, jazz, folk, blues, etc. and is able to cross borders that many vocalized bands cannot since the music itself is pure and is not tainted by an individual singer's interpretation.

Being a huge fan of ambient/minimalist/instrumental/acoustic music I've scoured the internet to find groups that produce a soothing sound that I could hear and fall asleep to. My search has ended with 3 amazing bands.
Bibio, is a one-man show that features unique folk guitar work and synth samplings along with soothing nature sounds. I would compare it to walking into a forest filled with life and recording it and queing it to a score on classical guitar. The catchiness keeps the songs in your head for days making the albums irresistible.

Message to Bears is another one-man show that reminds me of being a small child and finding wonderment in even the simplest of objects. The music is simplistic but pure and powerful. It reaches the core of the listener bringing them to the one place they feel safe with thick reverb and beautiful transitions.
Boards of Canada is another band from the U.K. that shows how melodic and beautiful electronica can really be. The overwhelming textures of sounds and melodic waves within each song make listening to their music sensory bliss. Listening to music could turn a cold, terrible, rainy day into warm spring afternoon in a matter of minutes.

It amazes me everyday that artists are able to create such amazing music that can transport the listen to a completely different time and place from which they are in. Seeing what is being created now, I eagerly await the future of music in the coming years as recording technology continues to develop.

Live the life,


My Top 5 for the Time
· Message to Bears - EP1
· Iron and Wine - Our Endless Numbered Days
· Nizlopi - Make It Happen
· Miracle Legion - Me and Mr. Ray
· The Nerd Parade

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Limb Nastiness

Ok so I’ve heard about this new phenomenon called Limb Lopping, and I’m hoping that it’s not what I’ve heard it to be. Are you freaking serious... THis is where guys run around and cut off each other’s cocks, just to get it sewed back on. The more scars the more intense of a lopper you are. "yeah I’ve lopped 6 times see..." This shit is absolutely crazy and the only thing I can do is sit in amazement at how completely ridiculous people have to be to CUT OFF your manhood. I don’t understand, I don’t want to understand, I’m not open to understanding. I think it’s crazy as all hell and if it leads to ED then good. They don’t deserve to reproduce. Why not call it Bobbet-tizing like Laurana did to that guy balimb, ck in the 90’s. Anyway That’s it. No more to say about this crap.
